#115: Quick Chirp: Maxime and Michael

2 cybersecurity leaders doing game changing things: Maxime Lamothe-Brassard and Michael Gwynn

Enjoy this week’s Sales Bluebird quick chirp...


In this week’s quick chirp…..

Maxime Lamothe-Brassard, Co-founder and CEO of LimaCharlie, embarks on a bold mission to revolutionize the cybersecurity industry by creating an "AWS-like" environment for cybersecurity tools and infrastructure, juxtaposing the old-school that has dominated the industry.

Michael Gwynn's career took him from the army, to Johnson and Johnson, to working in cybersecurity. After years of working in cybersecurity, Michael was introduced to the world of startups and IDmelon, where he joined the team as their VP of Sales.

BTW, check out the Cyber Sales Jobs board that helps to connect great sales talent with curated opportunities at high-growth cybersecurity startups.

Rooting for you,

Andrew Monaghan


Hey, it’s Andrew here. I write this newsletter because I love doing it. Luckily for me, others seem to enjoy it too! It also generates leads for my primary business, Unstoppable.

Most startup CEOs and CROs want a robust sales process that helps them grow the business faster. I use proven frameworks to help you create a repeatable sales process so you can focus on finding and closing opportunities. If you’re interested, let’s jump on a call to see if we are a good fit for each other.


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