137: Big change for Sales Bluebird

137: Big change for Sales Bluebird

Sales Bluebird

Whenever I talk with sellers and marketers about their biggest challenges right now, the #1 pain that comes up, again and again, is some variation of "I/we need more quality pipeline."

So.... from June 1st, I am changing the focus of this newsletter to being all about helping you get more opportunities in the pipe!

Tips, tricks, ideas, inspiration, examples, best practices and more. And all easily actionable so you can fill your funnel full of opportunities.

If this is not something you care about, please unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of this email. I'll be genuinely sorry to see you go. However, I know this new focus is not for everyone, and I wish you the best in your future.

If you want to stick around, let's do this!

Quick question: what should I call the newsletter? 

Here are some options; please click the one you like best:

or reply to this email with your better ideas.

I'm looking forward to the next phase of this newsletter and hope you enjoy the ride.

Rooting for you,


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This email is written by a real human (me!) so hit reply and let me know what you are up against. Not only will I read it, I will respond.

Last month (April 2023) this newsletter’s audience grew by 36%, and 11 of you wonderful humans referred friends or co-workers.

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