#38: 5X with just 5 things

Increase your sales 5X with just 5 things

Reading time: ~1 min.

Enjoy this week’s email….because who doesn’t want a bluebird every week

  #1 - Increase your sales with this 5 limit rule

Once, after a sales call, the SE I was working with declared, "What a great meeting, I was on FIRE!"I had a different opinion. In my view, we left the prospects completely bamboozled.

  • We talked too much and completely overloaded the prospect with info on features, options, approaches, processes, possibilities, and new ideas

  • We solved their problems in the same way as if we had sent them a link to Wikipedia in the hopes they would figure out the theory of relatively themselves

Tell someone 20 things, they will choose the 5 things they want to remember. Humans can only take in so much at a time.

In sales, when we get into the mode of feature dumping, and not solving problems, we lose control over what our prospects remember. They want to know if we can solve their problems, not whether the product has 97 features and what they all do.

We are most effective when

we are in control of the 5 things

the prospect remembers by only giving them 5 things to remember!

Words matter.

How we package them matters.

How we explain things matters.

The best salespeople I know are able to simplify. Be concise, but compelling. Know what's truly important to solving a prospect's problem and what isn't.

Want to practice simplifying? Send me a zip message and look for a response in the thread.

Time for a dad joke break...

Why can’t you send a duck to space?...Because the bill would be astronomical.

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Rooting for you,

Andrew MonaghanChief [email protected]
