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  • #73 quick chirp: Adam Gavish, CEO of DoControl - People don’t sell, people buy.

#73 quick chirp: Adam Gavish, CEO of DoControl - People don’t sell, people buy.

Quick chirp: Adam Gavish, CEO of DoControl, on how people don't sell...they buy.

Enjoy this week’s Sales Bluebird quick chirp...


Is there a recipe for success in cyber security sales?

Maybe not…but DoControl’s founder and CEO, Adam Gavish shares some ‘ingredients’ you should always include.

He gives his take on security policy enforcement and how his company is innovating through a people- and problem-first approach.

Listen in for a dialogue on collaboration, remediation, and pain points (including internal politics), and find out the best time to bring others into your startup.

Adam is a firm believer in developing rapport and trust upfront. Creating relationships helps him and his team approach engagements from the client’s perspective—the problem they have and how the product can help them.

You’ll Learn:

  • Why feedback is king

  • Why the window seat is less punishing

  • Why it’s a good thing to have competitors

  • How and why to leverage successes, even small ones

  • Why you should treat clients like human beings first and foremost

Rooting for you,

Andrew MonaghanChief [email protected]

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