#87 quick chirp: Tom Miller @ human security

Quick chirp: Tom Miller, sales leader and author of Call Your Shots, on knowing your value

Enjoy this week’s Sales Bluebird quick chirp...


Tom Miller, sales leader and author of Call Your Shots - knowing your value

Tom Miller is a multi-time cybersecurity sales leader and currently the Chief Gravity Officer at Human Security. Along the way he has learned a lot about what it takes to bring a product to market successfully.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Why value is ephemeral

  • The 3 types of value (2 of which are often ignored)

  • Using Tiger Woods to understand the layers of value

  • The traps many companies fall into when it comes to understanding their value

  • One thing we can learn from Michaelangelo to do with undercovering value

  • Tom’s book, “Call Your Shots” is available on Amazon

Rooting for you,

Andrew MonaghanChief [email protected]

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