#89 quick chirp: Craig Denton, RVP at Beyond Trust

Quick chirp: Craig Denton, RVP at Beyond Trust, on HOW sales leaders bring great people with them

Enjoy this week’s Sales Bluebird quick chirp...


Great sales leaders bring great salespeople with them. But HOW do you do that?

Life in startup sales is easier for founders when they hire a sales leader who brings great salespeople with them. A team that has worked together and won (and lost) is more likely to succeed.

But as a sales leader, how do you work with your salespeople so that they want to follow you? In this episode, Craig Denton, RVP of Sales at Beyond Trust, breaks down how he has done it over his career.

You will learn:

  • How to build trust with your sellers

  • Why other’s opinions of sellers should be taken with a grain of salt

  • Sales leaders should lead from the front…but how do you do that?

  • Tips on balancing working IN the business with ON the business

  • How to have tough conversations when things aren’t going so well

Rooting for you,

Andrew MonaghanChief [email protected]

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