This week's Sales Bluebird

This week's Sales Bluebird

Friday, October 29th, 2021

Being indistractable, cybersecurity vendors face-off, 5 great coaching questions

We’re back. After a long hiatus Sales Bluebird is back. Refreshed. Improved. And juicier.

Because who doesn’t want a bluebird every week… 

#1 - Something life-changing

You know how you sit down to do an important sales task and before you know it you are 20 layers deep into Youtube videos of Liverpool beating Man Utd 5-0 last Sunday? Yep… me too!! What are the chances!

Well, help is at hand for us (not for Man Utd though who totally screwed!) in the form of Nir Eyal.

The man who literally wrote the book on how to create addicting apps (Hooked), also wrote the book on how to take control of your life and not be distracted (Indistractable).

This is probably my favorite interview of his about the book. He goes into real specifics, explains concepts clearly and prescribes what you can do to stay focused. Including:-

  • Distraction isn’t anything to do with technology

  • Why to-do lists are flawed

  • How to burn a $1o0 bill

#2 - Something about cyber security vendors

If you are not listening to the CISO / Security vendor relationship podcast, what the heck is wrong with you?! It’s a must listen every week, but especially this past week.

David Sparks was at Evanta's Global CISO Virtual Executive Summit and closed the conference with this live episode where 3 vendors “competed” for the love and validation of 2 real-life CISOs.

Kasada vs Axis Security vs Ordr … in a pitch battle. Love it.

3 vendors using 3 different pitch structures to explain what they do.

Which was your favorite? Which one did the CISOs choose?

#3 - Something about how to be a great coach

Want to be a great coach for your team but struggle to do it consistently? Find all the books and training to be WAY too complicated to use (24 part framework anyone?)?

Well, do I have a treat for you! Michael Bungay Stanier is THE coach’s coach. The person who people turn to when they have tried other training and found it WAY too complicated. The person who knows how hard it can be to be a great coach in real life and when you have real job pressures.

He has 7 questions to use to be a great coach, 5 of which I think are especially useful for sales leaders:-

  1. The kickstart question eg “where’s the best place for us to begin?”

  2. The AWE question eg “and what else?”

  3. The focus question eg “what’s the real problem here for you?”

  4. The lazy question eg “what do you want from me?”

  5. The learning question eg “what was most useful for you”

If this all seems a bit cryptic, read more in his book “The Coaching Habit: Say Less, Ask More & Change the Way You Lead Forever”. It’s a quick, easy read (perfect for us sales leaders :-) )

3 things from me

Bite Size Sales podcast

Something for job seekers

My good friends at CyberGRX are hiring right now. Join John Mayhall and the team and help transform how 3rd party cybersecurity risk management is done. Openings >>>

Axis Security is helping their customers transform how they do secure remote access to support the modern workplace. Dan Parelskin is leading a stellar team that is taking on big, well-known players … and winning. Openings >>> 

Dad joke of the week

What has two butts and kills people?

An assassin

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